drawing of a metronome. the metronome goes between the left: smile, remain quiet in quest to please everyone, and the right: speak my values & go down swinging.

Meta: Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Los Angeles, I’m Yours

emotional equations zine by dana variano. on a table with a metal compass and a Scantron.

Emotional Equations

Inclusive Language Guide

A drawing of Dana on a balance beam labeled "attention to detail" over a fire labeled "perfectionism." They're wearing a shirt that says "I

Notes From A Recovering Perfectionist

For every one thing said aloud there are 1,000 not. The messages silent, yet loud and clear. Side eyes, nudges and laughs paired with the wrong kind of discomfort. A child told not to point, a stare in the airport bathroom that says "how dare you?" How dare I exist - in this body, at this time, on this spot, on this rock? And I say "yes." A resounding "yes, I fucking dare. I dare to be my full self in a society addicted to sameness. I dare to look past the endless flow of the 1,000 things, to hold your hand tight, and to keep going. I dare to believe that our hearts are greater that the sum of their hate. I dare."

Mayday Mood

? North Parts Unknown

The Cartography of Coping

Dashes and Dots

Ride The Waves

Ride The Waves